How much does a Brand Activation cost? [ + Creative Activation Examples]

Experiential Marketing Agency - Kombi & Co.


Are you dreaming of creating a memorable brand activation that engages your audience and boosts your brand’s visibility?

Before you dive in, it’s handy to understand the real costs of executing a brand activation in Australia. In this guide, we’ll show you the factors that influence the costs of a brand activation, including the location, industry, audience demographics, and more. We’ll also share creative ways to reduce costs without sacrificing the impact of your activation.

What is a Brand Activation and why is Experiential Marketing Important?

Brand activation is a marketing strategy where the relationship between consumers and a company comes alive. It creates unique opportunities to really engage with customers on an emotional level — experiences that allow people to interact directly with a product or service create lasting memories for all involved. Marketing goes beyond just buying products; it connects us emotionally in ways we never thought possible.

In today’s media landscape, traditional marketing simply isn’t enough – brands need to be creative and transcend beyond the basic approach. The key is experiential marketing – providing customers with unique experiences that form a personal bond between them and the brand, leading to increased engagement, awareness…and ultimately sales!

According to a recent study from Eventbrite, 77% of people say they feel more connected to brands that provide experiences compared to those that solely advertise products. Additionally, 65% of marketers report that their biggest challenge is generating traffic and leads, and brand activations can help overcome this hurdle by providing a unique and engaging way to capture the attention of potential customers.

Experiential marketing has become a must in today’s competitive market – whether it be bringing big memorable moments to life through large-scale installations, or simply popping up with an impactful presence. The possibilities for brand activations are endless, allowing companies the opportunity to tailor them according their unique needs and goals.

A breakdown of the costs you need to consider when planning a brand activation

Permit and License fees

Executing a successful brand activation in Australia requires the right permits and license fees, but these costs can really add up. When planning your event, do some research on what’s required for venue sourcing – it’ll be worth it when you’re sure that all T’s are crossed and I’s are dotted so everything runs according to plan. This can include fees for venue & event permits, public liability insurance, health and safety permits, and liquor licensing.

For example, Colgate’s national brand activation required the team to secure multiple event permits and licenses for their activation in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. This included permits for mass sampling, venue and council permits. By factoring in these fees upfront, they were able to execute a successful event while avoiding unexpected brand activation costs.

Location, Location, Location

When it comes to brand activations, where you choose to hold the event can make a world of difference. While hosting an activation in remote locations may come with transportation and accommodation expenses, popular tourist spots could have pricey venue / council permit fees. To create cost-effective solutions that won’t break your buget, carefully consider how different venues will impact both your budget and success when planning out your brand activation.

For example, when BOSE launched its new ‘Bose Frames’, they activated during the annual ‘Sculptures by the Sea’ event at Tamarama beach. Through being a Sponsor of this event, they were able to access an audience & location that would otherwise not be permitted, delivering a memorable brand experience.

Industry Matters

Crafting an unforgettable brand activation is more than a one-size-fits all approach. Each industry has its own unique needs and budget, so you have to be strategic about how you choose your elements for maximum impact without breaking the bank.

Tech brands might need cutting edge tech gadgets or interactive experiences, while food and beverage companies may require catering or mass sampling capabilities – the possibilities are endless depending on what’s right for each business’s identity.

For example, Betty’s Burgers took the show on road for their latest App launch – literally! The team hit up some of Australia’s best beaches, cruising around in a stylish mobile Kombi van ready to give beachgoers an unforgettable customer experience.

Audience Demographics

When getting your message out there, it pays to know who you’re dealing with. If the youthful members of society are your prime targets then investing in a solid social media presence and influencer partnerships could be money well spent. But if wisdom comes with age – or should we say grey hair? Traditional marketing avenues like print and radio ideally suit those mature crowds. Whatever demographic is on deck for activation success, finding an angle that really resonates will keep costs low whilst results high.

For example, Ole Henriksen & The ICONIC saw great success when they took their product launch in Australia. Their innovative idea of delivering products to social media influencers on a custom branded scooter was an instant hit – these stylish wheels turned heads, while also capturing the hearts and imaginations of millennial audiences everywhere. With gorgeous visuals posted across Instagram, it’s no wonder they got people talking.


If you’re looking to save costs on activations, it pays to consider seasonality. While planning an outdoor event during a rainy spell may leave your wallet soggy with additional weatherproofing expenses, ’tis the season for Christmas-themed events and activities which could be pricier due higher demand. To find that sweet spot between budget and timing – choose wisely when plotting out your activation calendar.

For example, when Meat Mates launched its newest pet food range, it chose to do so during the slower season by activating with a custom branded mobile coffee van. This allowed them to avoid peak times with other experiential campaigns and reducing overall costs.

Novelty of the Idea

If you’re looking to make a splash with your activation idea, pushing boundaries is part of the equation. But if high costs are an issue, there’s no need for reinventing the wheel: by leveraging existing technology and resources – such as giant installations or cutting-edge tech – ingenuity can be achieved without breaking budgets.

For example, when Apple TV+ promoted their ‘Spirited’ movie, it hosted a brand activation at Bondi Beach leveraging its’ existing Out of home media campaign assets which kept costs down.

Venue Restrictions

When it comes to planning an activation, there are all sorts of costs that could catch you off guard. From fire safety officers for flame effects to special permit fees – always make sure you consider the restrictions of your chosen venue before investing in a flashy set-up!

Being clever with budgets doesn’t mean compromising on creativity; think outside the box to find ways around any potentially costly hurdles. To save costs, consider how you can work within the restrictions of your chosen venue.

For example, when Bumble launched it’s App campaign, it partnered with Universities across Australia to offer a unique way to connect with students, working within the University’s regulations.


Your brand activation plan may may result in highway robbery if not planned carefully – literally! Transportation costs can quickly add up, especially when you’ve got to transport staff and equipment to remote locations. Get the cost of your journey under control by streamlining transportation needs wherever possible, such as booking cheaper flights or looking into alternative car rental options.

For example, Debortoli Wine launched its new Rose wine, it used a mobile Kombi van to visit various locations, instead of setting up individual events in different locations, reducing transportation costs.

How much does a Brand Activation Cost in Australia?

Brand activation budgets can swing wildly based on a variety of factors, making it almost impossible to provide an off-the-shelf figure.  However, here are some top line estimated costs for small, medium, and large scale brand activation based on industry standards and average costs in Australia ($ AUD):

Small Brand Activation costs

A small brand activation could still see your company making waves. With just $25,000-$50,000, you can wow audiences with cost-effective marketing tactics such as an eye-catching pop up activation.

Medium Brand Activation costs

For a medium-sized activation, your investment could range from $50,000-$100,000 in Australia factoring in multi-locations and extra staffing/resources needed to get heads turning.

Large Brand Activation costs

Keep in mind, these are just estimated guidelines, and each business’s needs and requirements will differ based on their industry, target audience, and desired activation scale. When planning a business activation, it’s essential to keep the goal in sight. Estimate wisely and always have an eye on what it’ll take to reach success.

With a little careful consideration, you can create an amazing brand activation that won’t break the bank – something sure to make your target audience stand up and take notice!


Keep in mind, these are just estimated guidelines, and each business’s needs and requirements will differ based on their industry, target audience, and desired activation scale. When planning a brand activation, it’s essential to keep the goal in sight. Estimate wisely and always have an eye on what it’ll take to reach success.

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We do not supply to Private Events (e.g. Birthday parties, Weddings, Hens, Bucks, etc.).


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*** Please note, we currently DO NOT service Private Events (e.g. Weddings, Birthdays, Hens, Bucks parties, etc).